Nashville Offering Plane Tickets in Exchange for COVID-19 Vaccination with ‘Refer to Win!’ Program

Airplane aisle during flight


Mayor John Cooper and the Metro Department of Health are offering two plane tickets in a raffle for their ‘Refer to Win!’ program. The raffle, which officially kicked off Monday, is offered for referring others to get the COVID vaccine.

Details about the contest are displayed at the COVID-19 website.

“You can win a pair of free round-trip tickets from American Airlines by referring friends and family to get vaccinated,” the site explains.

In order to qualify to with tickets, someone who receives a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine may enter the name of the individual who encouraged them to get the shot.

As the newest grand prize in Nashville’s ‘Refer to Win’ vaccine campaign, the winning tickets are available to any one of over 300 destinations in 60 countries. Referral cards are available at Metro Public Health Department vaccination sites only. Vaccine recipients can write the name and contact information (either phone number or email address) for the person who encouraged them to get vaccinated. Referral cards are available to any Nashville resident receiving either their first, second or booster vaccine shot.

The contest will take place between November 8 through the 22, and the referral cards are only offered at the drive-thru vaccine clinic and local pop-up community vaccine sites. The winner will be determined by the number of referrals.

The tickets were donated by American Airlines. The company’s Senior Vice President of Global Government Affairs for American Airlines, Nate Gatten, said in a statement emailed to The Tennessee Star, “We know vaccines are key to beating COVID-19 and getting back to activities like visiting loved ones and traveling for leisure and business. Our team welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the great work happening at the local and federal level to defeat the pandemic.”

Some Nashville residents were skeptical about the offer. On Mayor John Cooper’s Twitter post about the contest, one user asked Cooper about the winners from the last vaccination contest.

The user told Cooper “Release the names of the prior winners! We have a right to know what our government spends money on and to whom it give[s] prizes!”

Another replied to Cooper saying “Yeah. Yeah like we actually believe that” and linked an audio clip from ScoopNashville where it was revealed that the winners from the August vaccination contest were not completely notified.

As of now in Davidson County, there are 1,972 active cases. There are currently 112 cases that have been hospitalized, and Davidson county has seen 1 percent of COVID cases that have resulted in death.

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Morgan Nicole Veysey is a reporter for The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow her on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected]




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7 Thoughts to “Nashville Offering Plane Tickets in Exchange for COVID-19 Vaccination with ‘Refer to Win!’ Program”

  1. Tom

    Two tickets onto the boxcar, hot showers await at the destination.

    I will never take another “vaccination” of any type the rest of my life, period!

  2. nicky wicks

    keep your poison

  3. Karen

    Boy, there is definitely shenanigans going on in the background! This is absolutely preposterous! Never in my lifetime have I seen a government offer bribes to get a shot…a clot shot at that! I think there’s more to it than just straight up evil, but evil indeed it is!

  4. LM

    Anybody encouraging me or my family to get a COVID shot needs to get on a plane- and fly straight to hell.

  5. John

    The only reasonable response I can think of for Cooper and American Airlines is a #1 gesture.

    People were already unruly on airplanes before the pLandemic. Especially their kids. There’s no way in hades I’d spend another dollar on a plane ticket. I’d rather rent a car and drive.

    Let’s Go Brandon!

  6. DocFerri

    Sorry my life means more to me than a pair of airline tickets. Scientists in England have said those of you who complied with this fake VAX will have no immune system by 1/1.22. so sheeple go ahead, I’ll stay healthy and keep my immune system in tact.,

  7. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    And here I was scared of the Muslim Terrorist with Needles and Bioweapons labs? Turns out it was all the time! Are we the baddies?
